My Presidential Platform: Homeland Security and the Military

Here is what we are going to do about war.
Read MoreEverything Is Everything
From the Vault: This is an essay from 2007. A number of things mentioned herein have passed into obsolescence. What is still true is that everything is everything.
Read MoreThis Being the MySpace Page of Marcus Junius Brutus
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. -Ecclesiastes 1:9 Brutus bought it last night. When it sunk in that he’d been defeated at Philippi by the combined forces of Mark Antony and Octavian Caesar he grabbed a sword and marched down […]
Read MoreMayday! Mayday!
On Capital Punishment: Last meals are barbaric. If a person is considered sufficiently devoid of humanity to be executed, what aspect of his or her person are we acknowledging by fulfilling a request for steak? How can the state decide that a person doesn’t deserve to live, but does deserve a lobster? Shouldn’t the message […]
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