
Losing All Focus

In my continuing quest for cheap thrills and deeper insight into the theory of knowledge and the nature of consciousness, I have subjected my body and being to a variety of dangers. I have sustained abrasions and contusions major and minor. I have killed many brain cells. I have travelled to distant lands and walked […]

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25 Things I Learned By the Age of 25

1. There is no inherent merit in any kind of labor or work. Most of what we call “work” in the so-called developed world is bullshit designed to distract you from fun and the harsh material reality of globalized capitalism. Feed yourself and and have a good time because soon you’ll be dead and this […]

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It’s been a while since I had a good old-fashioned hangover. I can’t say I’ve really been missing them. I think I jinxed myself a while ago, because I actually said out loud, “You know, I haven’t drank myself sick and had a vile hangover in quite some time! Maybe I’ve finally learned moderation!” Then […]

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The Most Boring Dream Anyone Has Ever Had

I dreamt I located my long-lost Social Security Card. The number on the card was 001-01-0001. “That’s weird,” I thought. “That’s not my Social Security Number.”

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I wish I believed, as some perversely excited Democrats do, that the 1,000-casualty mark is going to be the fact that will wake up America. Not the 2000 election, not the Supreme Court, not Florida, not the crashing economy, not Enron, not Halliburton, not the blown CIA cover, not the faked intelligence, not the documented […]

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Parallel Structure

While the FUCK YOU Movement made it abundantly clear that we are AGAINST EVERYONE and FOR NO ONE (or at least for no one who could make it into mainstream politics), I would like to offer this tidbit of editorial advice to the Kerry/Edwards campaign. The title of your book Our Plan for America: Stronger […]

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SuperLefty on Zmag.org

The fine folks over at Zmag.org picked up the Mcsweeney’s piece.. Read it in a different font now!

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SuperLefty on McSweeney’s Internet Tendency

Further proof that either SuperLefty or our government is seriously unhinged. Read it here.

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The FUCK YOU Movement

Even if you had not just spent a week on a remote farm in Peru with no access to media, then stayed up all night, then travelled for twenty hours zonked on Xanax and arrived in New York at two a.m. unable to sleep until the following night, you might find the Republican National Convention […]

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